INSTRUCTOR: Welcome Sister! I am touched how many women of God have viewed and contacted me from your country, where there is an active ban on plastic bags. Truly, I would love for you to join me in worship and breath fasting. Would you have a prayer bag of your own in which to seal yourself? It is of course a much more prayerful and powerful experience for us to encourage one another as together we gasp His holy name.
SISTER K: Halo.Happy to meet a man of God to worship with. We can encourage and pray for each other. I am a born again Christian and have seen the faithfulness of God.Lets only live for him my dear brother. Goodnight and all the blessings
INSTRUCTOR: Thank you, Sister. Based on time differences, if you have access to Google Hangouts or Skype, we could meet for evening prayer via video call as I seal myself in plastic and in prayer. Of course it will be a more powerful experience if you have a bag of your own. I am on both platforms. God bless you, Sister.
SISTER K: All the blessings too brother.
i didn't understand sealing in plastic while you pray.
INSTRUCTOR: Bless you for asking, Sister, I present a general overview of this in my profile. Breath fasting is at once an acknowledgement of the Holy Spirit within us, and deep gratitude for the breath of God which sustains us. It is also a tribute to traditional methods of baptism, in which one would not merely be dunked for a second or two, but be reminded of the ordeal of Christ, and his ultimate rebirth, by enduring a far more lengthy submersion before release. In this case I employ airtight vestments of plastic and vinyl, similar in their purpose to a cassock, habit or burqa, in that they remove one from the base realm of the body and allow one to concentrate on matters of the soul. The added benefit is, the longer one remains sealed, the more one is aware of this transcendence of the physical, and of one's increased surrender to the presence of the Lord. I personally have remained sealed until my entire being has trembled in His might. Joined by a similarly vested Sister, I know this experience would be even more beautiful and powerful, perhaps speaking in tongues as I (or we, together) gasp His holy name.
SISTER K: Happy to hear from you brother. You sound a serious prayerful man of God. I would love to watch you sealed in that plastic. All in all brother I kindly request you to put me in your prayers. I need a break through for finances to enable see my so through University. Its so challenging being a single mother and with a low income. I thank God for the far he has brought me and I believe everything works out for good for those who believe and trust in Keep me in prayer always even if you don't know me. Goodnight and God bless
INSTRUCTOR: Sister, I am indeed serious - serious enough to seek a woman of God who will assure that, when sealed in prayer, I remain unreleased until the Holy Spirit completely overtakes me. Were you with me you would hold me close as, in vestments of your own and a prayer bag over your head, you join me in giving Him thanks and praise, however I welcome you in whatever manner possible. Kindly add me to your contacts if you have Hangouts or Skype. I am attaching here a photo of myself in vestments - suit, gloves, mask and prayer bag - ready for breath fasting. God bless you, Sister.
SISTER K: I would really like to be with you and hold you close while we pray and praise God's name. Are you on WhatsApp?
INSTRUCTOR: I am not, Sister, however I see you have added me on Hangouts. I will be back in my vestments after 9pm your time, and will reach out to you then. Do you have a prayer bag of your own?
SISTER K: No I don't have a prayer bag and have not seen one before .
I have just finished my night prayers though I don't have a vestment. I have experienced the holy spirit flow in me and all the stress gone away. I have waited for your call all in vain. In your prayers please remember to pray for my request. Going to bed now brother. Goodday and all the blessings
INSTRUCTOR: Would you have one, for the object of breath fasting, you would use a plastic bag - ideally clear, so you can see and be seen, although if you are praying alone even black will do. It must be large enough to seal yourself, and thin, smooth and comfortable enough to remain over your head for extended periods of time. Of course you will take brief ten second breaks for fresh air, but it is natural, once you grow more comfortable with this method of prayer, to remain within the prayer bag for longer each time.
Sister, are you still online? I will return tomorrow at an earlier time.
I have sent you a better photo of myself in my vestments via Hangouts. God bless you, Sister.
SISTER K: How are you brother. My prayer you are doing well. I had a good night thanks be to God. Am on my way to work. My dear brother are you a pastor? I thank God for giving me somebody to pray with. Awalys remember me in your prayers and will do the same. Goodnight and God bless
INSTRUCTOR: Sister, I would love to assemble a congregation to pray as I do, however I have had the fortune to encounter one Sister at a time, who has become my partner in worship. Recently this site has brought me in contact with a growing number from Africa, whom I welcome, however my main purpose is to find a Sister locally who will join me in breath fasting and prayer. Have a blessed day, Sister. I will be on Hangouts 8pm or before.
SISTER K: Okey. I wIll be waiting
INSTRUCTOR: Sister, it was good to see you, and to be seen by you, yes a plastic bag or sheet is necessary for breath fasting, as, when sealed, the feeling of surrender to the Holy Spirit becomes absolute. I would gladly send you some prayer bags by mail, however I see officials are attempting to punish importers of plastic as well. Truly, I would have welcomed you to have your prayer time with me, since I am looking for a partner in worship - it would be a great encouragement to remain sealed longer in my vestments. Are you able to find a clear plastic shower cap? The elastic holds the cap in place, however when you require a few breaths before returning, it is easy to pull away from around your face before allowing it to again take hold. You would pull one cap over your face and the forward half of your head, from the top of your head until under and past your chin, and - if you have one - another cap worn regularly over the first one, covering your hair and the back half of your head. I pray you are able to join me, and to answer your own questions through experience. God bless you, Sister.
SISTER K: Halo brother. Happy to hear from you. I would like to watch you again pray in your vestment. Am going to improvise am really yearning to experience the holy spirit flow in me. Plastic was banned in our country but will look for something similar and you watch me pray. I really appreciate you guiding me how to pray in a vestment. Goodnight brother and all the blessings
INSTRUCTOR: Thank you, Sister. There are other more environmentally friendly plastics that I pray your country will adopt, however these take time to develop. If no plastic is available I suppose a large latex balloon - if big enough - can be fashioned into a hood. The latex is usually thin and comfortable when stretched overhead, however it is also delicate and can rip easily, also it is not usually clear - one benefit of plastic is we would both see each other's face. Okay I will return this evening, however do not remain silent - encouragement is always welcome: prayers, hymns and words of praise. While sealed my breath may fog the plastic, and I need to know and feel that you are there. God bless you Sister, and thank you for your perseverance.
SISTER K: Will see you then brother, Good day and God bless
INSTRUCTOR: Sister, I felt so blessed to have you with me singing His praise as I sought His light. Although your arms were not there to hold me, your sweet and prayerful voice was great welcome and encouragement, and I will definitely return to worship with you again. Thank you so much, Sister.
SISTER K: Halo brother. You are most welcome brother whenever you want to fellowship with me. You are really blessing me. Gods presence is felt everywhere despite the distance he will always connect us in our whenever you are seeking God in your vestment feel free to ask me to join you in prayers and worship songs. From Monday to Friday at our usual time. Sundays from 11.Am to 1pm am also available. Else brother all well and thanks for accepting to pray with me. Wish you a blessed Sunday and all the blessings
INSTRUCTOR: Thank you and God bless you, Sister. I am busy for a few days visiting and helping family, however I will be back again in my vestments on Wednesday at our usual time, and I will reach out to you then, in plastic and in prayer.
SISTER K: Okey brother. Nice time with your family and all the blessings.
INSTRUCTOR: God bless you, Sister. This time I will look to seal myself longer.
SISTER K: Okey brother. See you then and God bless you
INSTRUCTOR: Sister, I just watched and listened to your prayer video, and I thank God Almighty you are there to join me, although you are indeed thousands of miles away. When you sang "Touch me once more," I immediately yearned to sing His praise from within a prayer bag of my own. I am in my vestments now, Sister. Worship with me.
SISTER K: Thanks so much brother for praying with me. It’s a good thing to always stay in the presence of God. Let’s live for God only brother. That’s the only fulfilling life. Wish you a lovely day brother and may you be blessed in a mighty way.
INSTRUCTOR: You are most welcome, Sister - yes, let us remind ourselves that every breath we take is a gift from almighty God.