Saw your reply on abductor. So you've done this before. I also like medium strength plastic bags. My favorite are large 55 gallon black plastic trash bags. I'm only 5'5" and 98 pounds, so I fit inside these trash bags really well. I also like to have bags over my head, but being totally inside a bag is my favorite. I'd love to talk bags w/you. What do you like, and what have you done?
INSTRUCTOR (explains how to take a Plastic bath)
Hi, Iv'e never tried a plastic bath. That sounds a little dangerous to me. Safety, as you know, is of high concern when taking part in these games. I have not tried x-mas tree bags, but have tried the orange pumpkin halloween leaf bags. Those are a little heavy for my liking, but the color is cool. How did you get into plastic bag bondage?. I have still photos of myself in bags, but no video. Thanks for writing back. Hope to continue our discussion on plastic bags. They are so much fun!
Not very dangerous if you know what you're doing. One might say playing with any kind of plastic is 'dangerous'. Just make sure whatever method you use to secure the bag is easy to get out of. I use a rubber band, but again, I've been doing this for a while. I suppose you could strap the bag shut with a strip of velcro, so you could just pull it open. How do you usually seal yourself inside? Mmm.. I've thought of those pumpkin leaf bags. Very nice. I once had sex with a lover of mine as 'pumpkin man' and 'pumpkin woman'.
Only still photos, eh? Do you have someone to take them? Or do you (like myself) have a camera with an automatic timer? If so, you've done as I have, feeling through the plastic to find the button for the timer, trying not to knock over the tripod.. although very much a turn on, this situation can make one feel a bit silly. Do you have access to a camcorder?
In a couple days I'll send you some jpegs from my private play. Oh, you ask how I got into plastic? Interestingly enough, I owe it to my cat. When I was 3 I was given a kitten who liked to sleep next to me. Of course a plastic mattress protector was necessary. So here I am, 5 years old and naked, sliding under the plastic and imagining someone touching me from the other side. I got into heavy down sleeping bags for a while, but got back into plastic - total enclosure, to be precise - by the onset of puberty. Been into it, and rubber, ever since. But always in a sexual context. I must be doing something right, because all the lovers I've introduced to it have enjoyed themselves enough to ask for more.
Hi, thanks for writing back. The more I thought about the plastic bath, the more interested I became. It sounds like fun. I do not have access to a camcorder(I opted for the dvd player instead), nor do I have a scanner! I'm a grad student, so all my $ goes toward getting my P.h.d. I got into plastic bags at a young age too. I was playing "Charlie’s Angels" w/ some boys in my neighborhood. After they caught me, they tied me up inside a trash bag. I didn't know why, but I liked it(My mother had a fit, and almost killed the boys!) In college, after a party, I was helping clean up, when someone joked that I was so small I could fit inside the large trash bag they had opened to clean up. Having had a few drinks, I got in, they sealed it up, and the rest is history. I never got into rubber, only plastic, and even still, mainly just large black plastic trash bags. I'd love to see some of your pix. Do they involve black bags? You mentioned you had a partner. Do you put her into bags as well? I 'd love to see a picture. I usually use duct tape to seal the bag closed. I gather the ends, twist them tight, then tape the bag shut. It works well.
Glad you liked the pumpkin bags. You can find those every October in stores.
I was able to have the still photos taken when I was with someone who participated in a bag bondage relationship. He left, I got the photos. Not too many though. Mostly me enclosed entirely in a trash bag, some w/ bags over my head. I hope to talk w/ you
INSTRUCTOR (Sends pics to Sister A).
Thanks so much for the pix! Also thanks for the instructions on the bath. How did you come up w/that? So you've never experienced bondage w/out plastic? Do you do anything else besides vacuum bagging? Like I said before, I've had bags pulled over my head, been wrapped in plastic wrap, and of course, love being bound/gagged in a trash bag. I do participate in bondage w/out bags, but I prefer to use them. Have you used plastic in every relationship? Have you ever used trash bags? Sorry for all the ?'s, I'm just happy to talk to someone who loves this too. I'll give some thought to the audio tape. Thanks again for the pictures. I loved them. Hope to hear from you soon.
It's good to hear from you again. Tell me this, how do you submerge yourself under water if the bag is full of air? I also think that duct tape is not made for quick release, so I may have to use rubber bands. I'm glad my last e-mail brought you great visions. I do roll around in 55 gallon bags, and yes black bags are the best to me. I think it has something to do w/ the fact that I see them all the time on the street corners, and I like the fact that I can kinda see out of them, but not too much. I've tried different colored bags, but always return to the classic black plastic trash bag. Do you do anything else besides vacuuming yourself/lover into bags. Do you just tie/get tied up totally inside a bag until you run out of air? Yes, I do like to stay in the bag until the last possible minute. I'd like to see some of your bag play. I never thought about audio tape. I suppose that may be fun. Who knows. Glad you could write back. It's fun to have someone who is into this sort of thing. If I mention trash bags to someone, they usually think I'm freakishly weird.
(You can tell I've worked this all out.) The best thing to do is this: Fill the bathtub around 1/2 to 2/3 full. Any more and the combined mass of you and the air inside the bag will make the water overflow. Open and gather up the bag like you would some huge sock you are about to put on. Now step into the bag (thus into the water), making sure no water gets into the bag. Follow through with the other foot, then, holding the plastic fairly close to your body (this answers your question about too much air keeping you afloat), draw the bag up and over your head. You'll be able to gauge for yourself after a while how much air will give you how much buoyancy/time in the bag. Use a rubber band (twist tie?) to seal the bag from the inside, and lower yourself completely into the water.... You should be able to handle yourself from here. Just make sure the bag stays watertight as long as you need it to, as too much water seeping in can get a bit unpleasant.
I usually either have sex or 'do myself' when bagged. From when I first 'discovered' plastic at age 5 it has always had a sexual connotation for me. I've never done bondage for its own sake. I would love to hear that audio tape, if you decide to do it. I used to do them during my teens before I had access to a VCR. Here are some jpegs for you. Enjoy.
Yes, for comfort and clinginess, dry cleaning bags cannot be beat. The thinner mil among them are best for headbagging. Have you ever slept bagged or wrapped? Waking up in the morning in that state, and having that unmistakable feeling be your first waking awareness...
Mmm .. those late night thoughts are sweet, aren't they? I didn't even wait for the following morning to try out plastic baths, but got right out of bed and took a bath at 3:00 in the morning. My 'first experiences' with things I've tried have almost always had me coming back for more. The first time I tried vacuum bags I was cat sitting at a friend's house, and I didn't stop to think what I would do if I couldn't control the outflow of air. The bag was one of those heavy transparent yellow ones ('Banana Bags') used for storage, and I almost passed out, raging hardon notwithstanding. And the first time I wrapped up in a plastic bodysuit I forgot where I had stopped wrapping, and struggled frantically to unwrap myself as my mom wondered why I'd been locked in that room so long. If I do make it out your way I'd love to stop by and play with you, but in the meantime I'd be very happy to trade in whatever capacity we are able - audio, still photos, video. And it is great to find someone who's not just another damned tourist, but can and does share ideas and experiences.
I have slept bagged up, but not over the head obviously, but with the rest of my body totally bagged. It is a great feeling to wake up in plastic. The dreams I had! It does get a bit hot(great way to shed 2-3 pds overnight!). I agree w/dry cleaning bags. These medium strength trash bags I got from Home Depot are great too. I'd be willing to do some trading in the future w/you. I am glad I found someone who loves plastic bags like I do. I've been enjoying putting a trash bag over my head, then cleave gagging myself from the outside of the bag. Each breath blows up the bag over my head like a balloon. It feels great. Talk to you soon.
Hi. I'm glad you didn't mind answering my ?'s. I agree w/you about the tourists. I've had way too many replies because people wanted to ask a curiosity question, or simply want to tie me up without the plastic bag involved. I've used dry cleaning bags before too. They work great! Nice and thin. I'm not really into the clear bags though, as I mentioned, black plastic is my love. Don't you just love those thoughts in the middle of the night. Could I use a vacuum cleaner, a fan, what could keep the bag inflated? All pop into my head, and there I am the next day trying it out. I'm still out of your league though. I'm a simple tie/gag, secure the trash bag shut type of gal. Still, I'm open to new plastic ideas, so I'll probably be asking you more ?'s. Thanks again for the photos.
Yea I've slept as well in different types/grades of bags. I've also slept wrapped in a head to toe plastic bodysuit, in thin to heavy plastic dropcloths, and wearing a thin, hooded plastic poncho as a nightshirt. I've tried various thicknesses and types of vinyl also; I once purchased an all weather motorcycle cover and converted it into a sleeping bag. Very toasty, sharing some of the best properties I used to describe black plastic: suppleness, retention of heat - what I've explained to others as a 'full body embrace'. I keep coming back to the lighter weight plastics, though. Probably cause these are the most stimulating for me, and the ones I most often use to have sex in.
Just picturing you headbagged, cleave gagged from the outside, bag ballooning out with every breath.. oh, sweet.. kissing you through the bag...
During my mid to late teens I'd visit Woolworth's almost every weekend and pick up a couple 4-packs of garment bags. I'd mostly use them for plastic baths, or seal myself with one bag for the upper half of my body and one for the lower. Now that Woolworth's has closed their stores in my area I've switched to using Christmas tree storage bags (stocking up with a couple dozen every November) though whenever I have anything dry cleaned I always ask for a few 'extra' bags.
One of the appeals of playing with plastic versus using rubber is the element of escape. Plastic bags and wrap are cheap and plentiful enough that when you're struggling and suffocating in the throes of orgasm you can fight your way out, bursting and tearing through your plastic restraints. It's very invigorating and adds to the excitement. But just try doing that with rubber. Custom items are too expensive. I look forward to trading with you. In the meantime I continue to videotape my private play.
Hi. Just logged on and whamo! there's your message. It's funny you mention buying bags. I remember when I was in college going to stores to buy boxes of trash bags. I'd have like 30 unopened trash bags scattered around my room in various boxes. It wasn't until recently that I discovered the large bags. I used to tape 2 smaller trash bags together to make a big one, or send out a few extra dresses to be dry cleaned that week. <BR><BR>
The cleave gagging from the outside of the bag is awesome. I bring my hands up to the inflated bag to feel how full it is. Plus, if you’re in a pinch, you can always kinda breathe out of the bottom of the gag unless I've tucked the excess bag into my shirt or so. I also do like ripping my way out of the bag. I agree w/you that it DOES add to my excitement. I've never tried rubber, only worn it. I've also worn some plastic as fashion as well. Thanks for the note. Hope to talk w/you soon.
Oh, do you want to talk about grand visions? Woke up early this morning, hard as a rock, envisioning you, wrapped in a full plastic bodysuit (black pallet wrap of course), your head covered in a black trash bag, which I'd tucked in and wrapped over at the neck. As I have no black plastic gloves, I'd either wrap over your fingers, or pin and wrap your arms to your sides. I'd make sure the bag started out loose, though. I might even inflate it before I complete the seal. And I'd have you wear a thin black plastic bag in place of panties so when I wrapped over that you'd be covered ‘inside and out’.... I could almost feel myself inside of you.
As I said, grand visions.
Hey, I think I better take a nap and try to have the same dream. Sounds like you've done that exact same thing before. Have you tried it w/your partner? Now how do we make a pair of plastic gloves? I think I have a new project. I love the idea of inflating the bag 1st. It's always great to hear from you.
Yes I have done the exact same thing, in clear plastic though. My girlfriend was having her period and was EXTREMELY horny, so I told her, "The only way I'll have sex with you now is..." She loved it. I do have a roll of black pallet wrap, but as yet I've not used it on anyone. In place of black plastic gloves, how about the corners snipped from soft black plastic trashbags (Handbags, you could call them). It would be easier if someone else (me, for example) were to wrap you, cause it would mean holding the plastic closed over each wrist, and wrapping over with the pallet wrap. A bit of work, but the resulting effect would be ASTOUNDING.
Sweet dreams...
Yes the corners of trash bags would work. I pretty much had the same thought about that as you did. Great plastic minds think alike! Where do you get a roll of black pallet wrap? That sounds as if it would be awesome! It always takes a bit of work to achieve good plastic sex, but as we know, the results are 100% worth it.
I hope you have a great and safe holiday weekend. Hope to talk w/you soon. I'm planning on doing some tight self bagging this weekend.
I really worked myself into a frenzy over the weekend thinking about you tightly wrapped and bagged. Especially when I pictured you in black pallet wrap like we talked about, with an inflated soft thin black plastic trashbag wrapped in place over your head, and another bag in place of panties, wrapped over so you could tuck the warm, slippery plastic up inside you. I pictured you riding me, sliding your bagged hands over me, bending over to rest your head against mine, me kissing you deeply through the bag as your breath came in hot pants. I pictured you straddling my face, grinding your plasticized pussy into my mouth as I ate you out. If I keep having visions like this I might just explode. Yes I've been there and done that, even caught it on video, but I owe it to you for re introducing me to black plastic.
The way you describe that scenario makes me really hot. I think that needs to be made into a film. Maybe we should write a bagged bondage novel together. Sorry I didn't get your e-mails until after the weekend, I was away. I'll try to make that audio tape soon. Black plastic is the best. I think I need to do some bagging daydreaming now.<BR>
Hot? Oh, yes. Sometimes unbearably so. I found it hard (pun very much intended) to sleep with those visions running through my head. And you so many miles away. Never gave much thought to writing about my sexual appetites. I pride myself in being able to say that I have no real fantasies that I can speak of. There are things that I like to do, and I've done most of them. Experience is fleeting, though, and that's why I've taken to videotaping my sessions when a lover is willing. I do have (somewhere) a collection of artwork from my teens gushing with hungers yet unfulfilled, which I'll share with you when we start trading, or when I get my computer set up. And if we do meet, that film WILL be made. And, yes, I breathlessly await your audio tape.
Isn't that such a great thing when your fantasies are complete instead of left unfulfilled. It's so much better to say "I live my fantasies" instead of "I wish I could do this or that". I will make that tape for you one of these days. I'm so busy right now preparing for the summer semester I hardly have any time to engage in any self bagging. When I do, I'll let you know about it, with a detailed description. If we do meet, we will do as you said, and yes, I believe I would like to see it on film as well.
This weekend I couldn't stop those visions, so, during another flash thunderstorm, I vacuumed myself into a christmas tree storage bag for around half an hour, with thoughts of our meeting racing through my head (I'll probably include it in that 'best of' videotape). For the past few years I'd never 'gone solo' like that; only with a partner. It brought back such sweet sensations! I'd forgotten how warm and soft and all encompassing it felt: like being kissed all over my body at the same time. It was a feeling I'd love to share.
Yea, an old girlfriend became infuriated at me once when she demanded I tell her my fantasies, and I refused to answer her. I'd much rather seek out people to have experiences with, than lament their never happening. It's much more fun that way.
Happy bagging, and I'll speak to you soon.
Not only are they more fun, but they are also more intense w/ someone who shares the same desire. I have to tell you, I made long opera style elbow length gloves out of black plastic trash bags last weekend. They look and feel awesome! I may wear them out as a total fashion statement, all the while shading my true love for plastic.
Things are heating up for me as we keep having these summer storms. This past weekend I went out to do laundry wrapped from the neck down and up to my forearms and ankles under my black vinyl warmup pants. Next time round I'm going to wrap completely from the neck down and wear latex exam gloves. Even better if I got caught in the rain...
I once saw a young black woman walking down the street wearing a tight fluorescent pink and blue vinyl sweatsuit. Yes, I was speechless, but mainly because her mother was right there with her.
Hey, I tried the vacuum bondage thing this weekend and all I can say is WOW! I got inside a large 55 gallon bag, mostly sealed it up, then attached the vacuum attachment, flicked the switch, and within seconds I was wrapped tighter than a piece of steak at the supermarket. I'm hooked now, although I have to keep a small opening because I do this alone. It was awesome though.
Magic, isn't it? (Like a warm soft wet kiss over your entire body.) I too was instantly hooked. Now try and imagine you and, say, me, having sex inside the bag as the vacuum sucked out all the air. I have done so on several occasions, and it is absolutely delicious. To regulate outflow of air from the bag, make sure the end of the hose is within reach of your hand, and cup your palm over the opening if things get too intense. This will allow you to catch your breath. Then you can remove your hand from over the hose end and resume vacuuming anew. Also get a good idea of exactly where the vacuum switch is, so you can feel for it from inside the bag. This will also give you time for a breather in case you need to turn it off briefly. These two hints have allowed me to vacuum bag myself for around 30 minutes on average. Once again I recommend bringing a vibrator inside the bag with you. To secure the bag, try a rubber band or twist tie. As with plastic baths, quick release from the bag may become imperative. And oh please begin assembling an audio tape of your sessions! Being able to bounce ideas and experiences around with you has been driving me joyously plastic mad. I've already put together a long black bag made up of three thin mil black plastic trash bags, and have told my current paramour to expect to be vacuumed into it very soon. I may be able to travel sometime next Spring. I will DEFINITELY keep you posted.
It was magic. Thank you much for the tips. I plan on using them often this weekend! I can't imagine having sex while vacuum bagged. It must be great. Your plans for the 3 bag vacuuming sound delicious. Once I get really good at it, audio tape will become available. Thanks again for the tip.
You are very welcome. If/when I do get out there I will show you just how amazing vacuum bagged sex can be. Keep in mind I am chock full of ideas, and I have already tried most of them.
I just used your advice and had a really good 20 minute vacuum bag session. It's amazing how tight the bag holds you in! I can still feel it 30 minutes later. Yes, I'm hooked.
Mmmm. So I have recruited a convert. Very happy you've taken my pointers. Vacuum bagging can be the most intense form of plastic total enclosure. Moreso when it is shared. My session yesterday went well. I had my current paramour slide a vibrator into herself, then wrapped it in place, vacuuming her into the long black bag I'd assembled for 25 minutes. We also had a round with her wrapped in a full plastic bodysuit, and myself wearing my rubber catsuit and eyeless, mouthless hood. The only difficulty was with the penile sheath of the black rubber briefs I wore underneath. Seems I'm a bit too thick for those things.
We were supposed to have had another torrential thunderstorm on Saturday, so I wrapped completely from the neck down under my black vinyl warmup pants... It did not rain. In fact, it as a sunny 87-90 degrees for most of the day. Oh, A, I was BOILING! My latex exam gloves became sticky, seeming to melt as I wore them! I had to unwrap in the laundromat bathroom, or else pass out from heatstroke.
Oh yes, I am a convert. It sounds as if your session went well. I'd love to do the 3 black bags. The one 55 gallon works great, but I cannot lie down, it’s more of a ball tie type of position. Still, the feeling of
tightness and airless is amazing!
Stepped things up a bit over the past few weeks. Had three good sessions with my current paramour, whom I've been training in breath control during sex. Two weeks in a row I, wearing my full rubber suit, wrapped her from the neck down and suffocated her for up to 60 seconds at a time with a wisp thin clear plastic dropcloth while pounding into her from below as she was riding me. She especially enjoys how the soft warm plastic clings tightly to her face, and how her breathless enclosure seems to intensify my upward trusts. I've also taken two plastic baths, and must tell you that, though you will be running out of air, the bag will not deflate as quickly as you expect it to, due to the remaining hot air expanding. If you are looking to have the plastic plastered to your skin as you submerge yourself, you may want to start off with a limited amount of air.
You/she are so right. The tight clinging to the face is awesome. There is nothing like it. Using your hints, I was able to vacuum myself in a black trash bag for around 25 minutes before I exploded. Spending time is so much better than the quick vacuum and I'm done method. I may hold off the plastic bath for a while. That could be too much excitement at one time for me! Hope all is going well in plastic land. Look forward to hearing from you soon.
Very happy you've been using my hints. The jpeg I sent last time was from 10 years ago, so you can tell I've had loads of practice. My paramour has been very willing to expand her horizons because everything I do adds to the pleasure and intensity of our sessions.
Soon I will have some vidcaps from our sessions. They were taken offscreen with a conventional camera, so I cannot be sure of their quality.
Wrapped up again for the rain on Sunday, and went out to do laundry wearing my black vinyl warmup suit over neck down plastic wrap and rubber exam gloves. It was much more comfortable this time, and the female (Chinese) proprietor of the laundromat got a laugh out of it ("See? Plastic Everywhere!")
Lil ol' me, bringing joy to the world.
I wish I was as daring as you, as to wear plastic clothing out in public like that. I still haven't worn my plastic bag opera gloves out yet, although I really want to! I'm thinking of trying to do some video, but I need to concentrate more on what I'm doing than taping. I tried a little audio tape, but it sounded like white noise. I'll keep trying, as I know you always will.
Here are those vidcaps I mentioned. The photo quality is pretty bad, as they were taken via conventional camera, but the video shares none of these imperfections. The total is now 5 hours of video of myself alone, 9 with former girlfriend, and 6 1/2 with current paramour. As soon as you are able to start filming yourself in action, we can begin to trade.
Thanks. They are tough to see, yet are still exciting to look at. Write me next week, as I am off for the next week. Bag it up!
I got back from vacation that was filled w/ multiple vacuum baggings. Hope all is good w/you and your partner. Write when you get a chance. I'd rip through my plastic to respond